Horses for Courses - A Customized Solution for 401(k) Guaranteed Income: 2024 Focus Series

Price : $1,500.00

The passage of the SECURE Acts has increased interest among 401(k) plan sponsors on adding GI (guaranteed income) solutions to their plan. Currently, those sponsors interested in doing so have access to several turnkey GI solutions. A turnkey solution bundles together an asset manager, recordkeeper, and asset manager to deliver the GI solution. Market trends suggest the number of these closed solutions will likely increase.

However, is a turnkey GI solution always the best for all 401(k) plans? Our research and analysis suggest that some plans may have greater benefits from using a customized GI solution. 

A customized GI solution enables the plan sponsor to customize every aspect of the GI solution. Customized GI solutions are not yet available. Yet, we would argue that the 401(k) market for GI solution will rapidly evolve as plan sponsors understand the benefits a customized solution provides.

  1. Executive Summary

  2. A Trillion Dollar Opportunity 

  3. Two Approaches to Plan Management 

  4. Two Approaches to Guaranteed Income Solutions 

  5. The Customized TDF/GI Solution Roadmap 

  6. The Insurer Opportunity in a Customized TDF/GI Solution 

  7. The Critical Role of Default Investment Strategy in TDF/GI  Success 

  8. Conclusion