
These views and opinions are those of the authors at the time of writing, may be subject to change, are for informational purposes only, and they should not be construed as investment advice or a recommendation for the purchase or sale of securities by Conning. The information may not be current and Conning has no obligation to provide any updates or changes. Individual portfolio management teams for Conning may have views and opinions and/or make investment decisions that, in certain instance, may not always be consistent with the views and opinions expressed therein. While any third-party data used is considered reliable, its accuracy is not guaranteed.

Pension Funded Status Tracker - March 2018


Funding levels are up at the end of Q1 versus year-end 2017 for U.S. corporate DB plans, but off from their January highs. Learn more about the drivers in our March Pension Funded Status Tracker.

Pension Funded Status Tracker - February 2018


February’s global equity market retreat led to slightly lower funding levels for U.S. corporate DB plans. However, given the improvement in plan funding since the end of 2017, sponsors may want to consider reducing their asset-liability mismatch. Learn more in our February Pension Funded Status Tracker.

Conning/ACLI Webinar: The Tax Plan Giveth - And Taketh Away: A Tax-Reform Primer For Insurers


The Tax Cut and Jobs Act is expected to have a significant impact on the tax-sensitive industry of insurance. It is a critical time for insurers to hone their understanding of the latest twist in a business environment that continues to evolve. 

The Tax Plan Giveth - And Taketh Away: A  Tax-Reform Primer for Insurers


New U.S. tax laws should benefit P/C insurers, freeing up capital for a variety of needs including M&A. They may also drive changes to P/C investment strategies, not just for municipal bond allocations but for bond portfolios overall. Learn more through our webinar.

Pension Funded Status Tracker - January 2018


Conning’s Funded Status Tracker is a monthly publication that tracks the performance of the average defined benefit pension plan (the “Plan”) of corporate sponsors comprising the Russell 3000 Index.

Viewpoint - Energy Markets 2040: Alternatives Have Growing Cachet but Hydrocarbons Still Rule the Day


How should investors position themselves in a world that is increasingly concerned about emissions and climate change? The short answer is, they should prepare for continued growth in demand for hydrocarbons.

Viewpoint - P&C Portfolio Alternatives to Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds Post Tax Reform


Conning’s view is that the recently passed U.S. tax plan should drive significant capital expenditure and increase take-home pay, providing a meaningful boost to U.S. growth via the consumer. However, its immediate impact on the municipal bond market may also cause investors such as property and casualty (P&C) insurers to revisit their portfolio strategies and allocation.

Q4 State of the States Report


Conning released the Q4 edition of the semi-annual State of the States municipal credit research report. This update for the second half of the year retains Conning’s declining outlook on aggregate state credit quality. State revenue growth has improved, but not enough to meet state expenditure growth, placing aggregate state reserves under immense pressure. However, Conning has improving outlooks on many revenue bond sectors as these credits benefit from more people driving, flying, attending college and spending money.