Don Townswick Discusses the Equity Market with Bloomberg


Don Townswick, Director of Equity Strategies, talks with Bloomberg about market factors affecting the valuations of dividend-paying equities and how changes in tax laws may affect the equity market. 

Despite the pandemic's challenges and associated uncertainties, the MGA channel continued to thrive in 2020


The Managing General Agent ("MGA") and program market continued its upward trajectory in 2020, with premium growth outpacing the overall property-casualty market. The Conning study, "Managing General Agents: Rising to the Challenge" presents MGA marketplace dynamics, trends, players and outlook.

Conning Awarded Climate Risk Initiative of the Year by InsuranceERM


Conning has won the InsuranceERM Americas Award for “Climate Risk Initiative of the Year” for its Conning Climate Risk Analyzer™ software. 

Conning Named "Insurance Asset Manager of the Year" by InsuranceERM for the Second Year in a Row 


Conning was named “Insurance Asset Manager of the Year” for the second year in a row by InsuranceERM in its 2021 Americas Awards program. 

Rich Sega Discusses Alternative Investments for Insurers and Other Institutional Investors


Global Chief Investment Strategist Rich Sega discusses alternative investments for insurers and other institutional investors as a panelist in the Chief Investment Officer webinar “Allocator Insights: Alternatives.” 

Paul Norris Discusses Opportunity in Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities


Paul Norris, Head of Structured Products, discusses commercial mortgage-backed securities in a BloombergQuint article. 

Russell Büsst Discusses the Benefits of Integrating ESG Strategies Into Investment Decisions


Russell Büsst, CEO and CIO of Conning Europe, was featured in an Insurance Day article on the benefits of integrating ESG strategies into investment decisions. 

Woody Bradford Discusses Conning's Plans for Returning to the Office


Woody Bradford, CEO and Chair of the Board, discusses plans for Conning’s return to the office and what the future of work will look like in a recent Pensions & Investments article.

Disruption to Life-Annuity Consumers Provides Large Opportunity for U.S. Life Insurers


The entire annuity competitive landscape is undergoing a seismic restructuring. Over the past ten years, new entrants have sought to gain access to annuity insurers and their substantial assets by establishing new (re)insurance platforms.

Despite Pandemic, State Credit Quality Outlook Updated to Stable: Conning’s 2021 Municipal Credit Report


Conning changed its outlook to stable from declining on state credit quality. Conning found that states are in a good position as they emerge from the pandemic and in the report cited a few important factors that helped support state credit quality.