Rich Sega Comments on the Upcoming Federal Reserve Chair Nomination
November 17, 2021
Rich Sega, Global Chief Investment Strategist, comments on the impending Federal Reserve chair appointment in Click here to read more.
Conning, Inc., Goodwin Capital Advisers, Inc., Conning Investment Products, Inc., a FINRA-registered broker-dealer, Conning Asset Management Limited, Conning Asia Pacific Limited, Octagon Credit Investors, LLC, Global Evolution Holding ApS and its subsidiaries, and Pearlmark Real Estate, L.L.C. and its subsidiaries are all direct or indirect subsidiaries of Conning Holdings Limited (collectively, “CHL Group”) which is one of the family of companies whose controlling shareholder is Generali Investments Holding S.p.A. (“GIH”) a company headquartered in Italy. Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. is the ultimate controlling parent of all GIH subsidiaries. CHL Group has investment centers in Asia, Europe and North America.
Conning, Inc., Conning Investment Products, Inc., Goodwin Capital Advisers, Inc., Octagon Credit Investors, LLC, Global Evolution USA, LLC, and PREP Investment Advisers, L.L.C. are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, and have noticed other jurisdictions they are conducting securities advisory business when required by law. In any other jurisdictions where they have not provided notice and are not exempt or excluded from those laws, they cannot transact business as an investment adviser and may not be able to respond to individual inquiries if the response could potentially lead to a transaction in securities. SEC registration does not carry any official endorsement or indication that the adviser has attained a level of skill or ability.
Conning, Inc. is also registered with the National Futures Association. Conning Investment Products, Inc. is also registered with the Ontario Securities Commission. Conning Asset Management Limited is Authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA#189316). Conning Asia Pacific Limited is regulated by Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission for Types 1, 4 and 9 regulated activities; Global Evolution Asset Management A/S is regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Danish FSA) (FSA #8193); Global Evolution Asset Management A/S (London Branch) is regulated by the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA# 954331); also, Global Evolution Asset Management A/S (“GEAM”) is authorized via exemption as a dealer and adviser in certain Canadian provinces: In Canada, while GEAM has no physical place of business, it has filed to claim the international dealer exemption and international adviser exemption in Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan. Global Evolution Manco S.A. is regulated by The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the Luxembourg FSA) (CSSF# S00001031). CHL Group primarily provides asset management services for third-party assets.
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November 17, 2021
Rich Sega, Global Chief Investment Strategist, comments on the impending Federal Reserve chair appointment in Click here to read more.